
FUTURE-MINDS-QB Welcomes Applications for Doctoral Bridge Training in Biomedical Data Science and Quantitative Biology

FUTURE-MINDS-QB is an NIH-funded training program that bridges between master’s programs at Fisk University and doctoral programs at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Our doctoral bridge program is designed to nurture a diverse future generation of active minds specifically in the areas of biomedical data science and quantitative biology, where quantitative biology encompasses bioinformatics, computational biology, genomic biology, and biophysics.

We strongly encourage under-represented individuals to apply to our program for the two-year master's phase at Fisk University, seeking coursework, wrap-around professional development and mentoring for successful transition to the PhD at UIUC. At Fisk, master's students will acquire essential research and professional skills that prepare them for PhD study in biomedical data science or quantitative biology. Candidates should have a bachelor's degree in a relevant field. Please note that we are recruiting nationally and prior enrollment at Fisk as an undergraduate is NOT required to be eligible for the bridge training.

We will consider applications on a rolling basis, but we encourage early submission. Accepted trainees will receive an annual stipend, travel allowance, and full support for tuition & fees.

We seek applications from students who are interested in earning a PhD degree in biomedical data science/quantitative biology and developing a long-term research career in these fields. Applicants should have a BA or BS degree in a relevant scientific field by the time of enrollment in the training program. US citizenship or permanent resident status is required.

Please submit your Cover Letter, CV, Personal Statement, and Transcripts online.

Doctoral Bridge program application website